Blog 2021 Litter - Tracker & Fenwick
2018 - Tracker & Fenwick Litter
Eating - sleeping - eating - sleeping ... and from now on playing.
2018 - Tracker & Fenwick Litter
Our puppies start opening their eyes and their ears become functional.
2018 - Tracker & Fenwick Litter
Today, the first puppy reached the weight of 1 kg: Mr Brown at 1045 g (2.3 lbs)
2018 - Tracker & Fenwick Litter
Today, our puppies are one week old and they're doing very well. They crawl around frequently.
2018 - Tracker & Fenwick Litter
Today, Mr Green, Mr Black, and Mr Blue doubled their birth weight. Mr Brown is expected to follow tomorrow. But, he is still the biggest boy.